9A – Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

I interviewed both individuals that would could be potential end users but were likely outside the boundary as well as two people who have their own business/planning to open a shop (one has their own food stall) but were unlikely to due to their business/perceptions.

The individuals are skeptical of cryptocurrency or did not mind high fees as they cannot be bothered with the hassles of avoiding the fees. One person had even fallen into a cryptocurrency scam before and said they would rather pay the high fees with traditional systems and wait and see before using new system.Another individual is older and does not even use a smart phone and said people his age trust the banks and can't be bothered to use other solutions because they are used to it . They accept that the services they use come with fees because they don't know how to manage it and are willing to pay.

Inside the boundary Outside the boundary
Who is in?
  • Individuals who travel overseas a lot , to multiple countries
  • Individuals who like the convenience of digital payments (either by card , online or mobile)
  • Individuals who want to cut costs where possible (*assuming vendors can give enough incentives using the system/ during promotional period)


  • High end item/expensive/high cost products stores
  • Stores that handle only cash but want a solution to accept digital payments
  • Stores that want to find ways to reduce their expenses/increasing profit
Who is in?
  • Individuals who do not mind paying for convenience AND know they can save if they bothered to put in the effort
  • Individuals who prefer cash
  • Individuals who are not tech savvy with smart devices
  • Individuals who are afraid/skeptical of new innovations / disruptions in industries and tend to be laggards and wait till everyone else adopts

  • Stores that do not need a POS system
  • Stores that have low ticket items(low cost) e.g Mom and pop stores
  • Stores that want to accept only mainstream payment systems as they are used by majority of people and are willing to accept the high fees charged by payment gateway services for this convience
What the need is?
  • Convenient payment system
  • Avoid high fees by payment services/banks
  • Save money/cut expenses
  • Low cost/reasonable payment and financial services
What the need is not?
  • No added value/ No purpose of new system for these users
  • Want Established systems
  • Want high adoption usage/ high traffic before adopting
Why the need exists?
  • People are getting more information and knowledgeable about money and want to avoid paying fees if they can
  • Digital payment becoming more frequent, do not want to lose customer because they do not accept a kind of paymen
  • Businesses want to find the best way to be profitable 
Alternative explainations
  • Want to avoid risks involved in new systems vs using traditional, established systems
  • People are resistant to change
  • Not enough value add/ high switching costs (but none/very low cost to adopt  and do not need to switch , just need to add on but user/business is skeptical)


  1. Cory,
    Great job on your post. I find it really interesting that people who neglected your opportunity let one bad experience with cryptocurrency stray them from the market. This goes to show how important first impressions and reputations are for entrepreneurs and their products. Also, I commend you for the chart you made. It made me realize I could have elaborated more on mine to make sure people really understood what I was trying to say.

  2. Cory, I loved the way you approached your table. You went very in-depth about your product, especially on the "outside the boundary" side. Understanding what isn't within your boundary will really help you pinpoint where you need to market in order to succeed. It's so interesting how you spoke with people skeptical of cryptocurrency because they would be the hardest customers to get!

  3. Cory,
    You did a great job by getting straight to the point with your interview results and making clear, valuable statements about the boundaries. You were very detailed and specific with your table, which in the long run is going to help you pinpoint and market to the exact people you need to. I'm curious to know what exactly went wrong with one of your interviewees experiences with cryptocurrency. It would be really helpful for to know the flaw(s) so that you can avoid it down the road. As always, I'm interested to see where you go with this opportunity.

  4. Wow, Cory! Great job on organizing your thoughts. I think addressing the flaws would also make it helpful to avoid them down the road, just like Allison said. Your chart heightened your credibility. It made me believe exactly what you were talking about. You trust your product and stand behind it.


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