23A – Your Venture’s Unfair Advantage

Resources and VRIN analysis
  • Connections to developers and entrepreneurs, some relatively strong , some weak ( in the technology world as well)
    -I think my connections to these group could be wider and more intimate than what I would want but knowing a few is good due to the lack of enough developer talent in the world. Somewhat rare and inimitable.
  • Connections with individuals and groups in the blockchain industry
    -Connections within the blockchain industry would be very important as that is where I can get support in terms of investors, partnerships and other resources like talent. Everyone might be networking so it might not be rare but knowing the right people and decision makers would serve very valuable. I have some connections to such important people but it is not enough and not too strong.
  • Connections with individuals including friends in various fields (business/marketing/law/economics)
    -This is valuable as I can get opinions on certain fields I am unsure of during my inception phase and potentially gain talent to join my venture. However , it might not be that reliable. Not too rare and is imitable
  • Connections with government technology ministry
    -Few people have scholarships with the technology ministry for so long and even fewer would end up as entrepreneurs. However, other people would have strong connections to key individuals in the ministry as I have not networked as much. I would be working towards that as such a relationship and connection would prove very valuable
  • Connections with investors/ people who find investors
    -Having a pathway to find investors would be valuable but it is not too rare. However, it would make it easier if you have a trusting relationship.
  • In a network of a pool of technology /development talent from school
    -It is important for my venture to get developers as I would not be the main developer as I would focus on other aspects of the business. Hence, having this network to potential talent is important. It is somewhat rare and inimitable as only those within the school are in the network.
  • Involved in the blockchain community that I am developing on and connections with KOL
    -This is an important and valuable connection and relationship that I would want to strengthen as the team supports developers and having the community back my project would be very good. It is not rare as the blockchain community is developer friendly and open to new entrants but is a very useful and important resource
  • Web, mobile and integrated system development experience
    -My experience is valuable as I would be able to guide my team from time to time and know technological jargon. Many people have developing experience but my projects and applications I have worked on have given me experience and opportunities which is rare.
  • Marketing and advertising knowledge from personal interest and school
    -It is not a rare capability to know about marketing but my strategy ,vision and experiences could enable me to formulate innovate and unique marketing strategies that is very hard to imitate . I have seen other marketing and advertising plans and executions throughout my life and have already decided what can work and what cannot.
  • Modest personal financial capital
    -I think the amount I have/am willing to put into the venture may not be as sufficient as I would like but could do if my partners are willing to sacrifice for the initial stages of the venture until we get funding. This amount of capital is very common and inimitable
I think my top resource is my relationship with the government technology ministry. I think because I have a scholarship with the technology ministry , it enhances my image and branding as an individual and would make people more likely to want to work with me , invest in me due to a trust formed by that perception. It would also enable me to more easily communicate with key individuals in the ministry to form future deals, partnerships or grants.


  1. Hi Cory! Great job with your analysis! I found all of your advantages extremely interesting. Your relationship with the technology ministry definitely is a great advantage to have and it certainly gives you a leg up. I think one of the advantages that you could work on would be your experience because that could be a hinderance to the venture if not focused on! Experience leads to trust and connections, so building that would be a plus!

  2. Hey Cory,
    I think you did a very thorough VRIN analysis and shown that your business will be competitive based on your connections and many experience. Its very unique that you have government connections and seems like a highly valuable resource. As you said, positive public perception could surely be a byproduct of that relationship as well as decrease time spent dealing with bureaucracy.

  3. Hello Cory! That's amazing that you have government connections! I'm impressed. I agree with Jenna above, Experience does lead to trust and connections. I've dealt with this first hand. Getting your feet wet is important in your field, technology needs credibility.


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